Allunmasked mp4

My own wife had betrayed me, and still to this day was betraying me, but had she committed the ultimate betrayal? Whose were the children? Even as I drove back to the office it must have been on auto-pilot. Carol told me with a smile that Marty made it to the hospital in time to see his daughter enter this world. All I could do was nod my head, and that alone saddened me. Usually right about now would have been the perfect excuse to pull out pictures of my own two children, but the image of my wife walking down that corridor hand in hand with that guy was burned into my memory. The branding iron used to do it also seared away any emotion connecting me to the two little people that lived with us as well. With that one thought in my head I made it to the bathroom just in time to lose my lunch. This morning I was in a happy place. I had a loving, very sexual wife, and two children any man would be proud to call his. Now, as I flushed away the evidence of my rebellious stomach, my mind. Mitch came home he had a bag with croissants fresh from a local bakery and fresh orange juice, he put them on a plate, poured two wine glasses with orange juice. He grabbed some butter and some jelly, and he put a single red rose in a small vase. With everything arranged on a tray he carried it up to his mother's bedroom. He entered his mother's bedroom and saw she was not in bed, he then heard the running water coming from his mother's bathroom shower. He set the tray down and undressed, he heard the water shut off, the door to the master bathroom was open a crack so he went over to look in at her.He watched his mother dry her body with a large towel, she then wrapped it around her, and she stepped out of the shower over to her sink. She brushed out her hair while drying it with a hair dryer and Mitch could feel his cock harden watching her. Mitch quietly stepped up behind her and wrapped his muscular arms around her."Mitch you need to get out of here!" she said firmly."Why mom you.
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